How To Convert A JPEG Image To A Vector
Although converting an image can take time and effort, using the right tools will make it relatively easy. Converting an image from JPEG to an image is a simple procedure that is achievable using a few different software programs. Adobe Illustrator is the most well-known method of converting JPEGs to vectors. But, there are different ways to accomplish this. This article will show you how to transform the JPEG file into a vector image with Adobe Illustrator and Inkscape. Adobe Illustrator: Convert a JPEG into an Vector 1. Adobe Illustrator allows you to create an entirely new document. 2. Click File > Import > Select the JPEG image you want to convert. 3. A dialogue box will open. Select the "Use Artboards" option, and then click OK. 4. The JPEG image will be positioned on the artboard. 5. Choose the picture by clicking with the Selection tool. 6. Click on Object > Image Trace Make to trace the image. 7. A dialogue box will open. Choose the "Bl...